7 habits of Productive Scientists: http://axial.acs.org/2016/11/29/7-habits-productive-scientists/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email0117&utm_campaign=Axial
Here is a video on “La danza delle molecole – La moviola in Fisica” (In Italian) at the WIRED NEXT FEST 2015 (see also http://www.wired.it/tv/slow-motion-per-atomi-molecole/)
Here is a video we produced for the International Year of Light 2015 on Carrieers in Photonics:
Here is a recent interview on lasers in RAI (Italian public television) program “Nautilus” (science divulgation for school students):
On Politecnico’s Youtube page (http://www.youtube.com/polimi) you can find an interview to me and Prof. Giulio Cerullo (in Italian) regarding our recently-published Nature paper on Conical Intersection Dynamics in Rhodopsin:
Polli, D., Altoè, P., Weingart, O., Spillane, K.M., Manzoni, C., Brida, D., Tomasello, G., Orlandi, G., Kukura, P., Mathies, R.A., Garavelli, M., Cerullo, G. “Conical intersection dynamics of the primary photoisomerization event in vision” (2010) Nature, 467 (7314), pp. 440-443.
ACS “Publishing Your Research 101”.
Episode 1: “How to Write a Paper to Communicate Your Research” by Professor George M. Whitesides from Harvard University, who has published over 1100 articles overall.
I recommend all the videos in the series!
Intervento di Andrea Pontremoli al General Meeting Cefriel 2014
Empowerment… 🙂
Slow Motion Flipping Cat Physics | Smarter Every Day 58
Where the hell is Matt?
Perchè scegliere ing. Fisica?
Italy’s brain drain – No Italian jobs
Why Italian graduates cannot wait to emigrate
Read http://www.economist.com/node/17862256
L’orgoglio e la rabbia – la ricerca scientifica in Italia
Molecular modeling and graphics at http://www.arguslab.com/arguslab.com/ArgusLab.html
Per innovare dobbiamo dimenticare il ROI (by Alfonso Fuggetta)